Sunday, June 14, 2009


I really love You Tube (and I especially love the common craft video's used in this course) and have used it alot but only recently took at look at Google Video. I found them both really simple to use from searching to finding related material.

Mossman Library is fabulous; they way they use technology to create access to their library is impresive; from the video's of visiting authors to their oral histories.

My manager and I saw a great video on a library web page of a mobile library driver talking about his job and the mobile library and we're looking at doing the same because it was such a great way to showcase such a wonderful service.

Wiki Wiki Wiki!!!

I really love the idea of the library success wiki, I stumbled upon it a while ago but hadn't gone back but I'm impressed by how much it has grown: I guess all us library folk doing the 2.0 training has encouraged more contributors!

As for wiki use in a library setting I think the possibilities are endless. My library has a wiki called the Library Ideas Bubble where we put ideas up which other staff can then flesh out or to wait until the right time/funding becomes available etc. It's a way that we capture our ideas.

The South East Local Studies Network that I am apart of also has a wiki for us to post questions, put up things we're working on, meeting minutes etc. It works particularly well as the SELSN comprises of libraries that are hours and hours away from one another.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I've been really slack with updating my blog with the things I've been learning which is why I'm going back throught and doing the exercises.

I love the convenience of the RSS reader and it also means that I don't forget which blogs I'm following. The sites that I selected for my RSS reader, in additon to the Powerhouse Museum photo of the day was the ABS for librarians because it think its really important to keep up with that, the website for The Mountain Goats just because they are my favourite band, a word of the day one.

Playing with Flikr

I have used flikr quite a bit in the past but never for any purpose except browsing. I was wondering what photo I should add to my blog, a library photo or a particularly great photo and then I came across this which made me smile which is why I chose it.

My library has started to put photos up on flikr or events and picture of the shire. We are also starting to put up some of our historical photo collections which don't get used that often and are hoping that this will make them more accessible.