Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Using mashups in public libraries would be excellent for local studies as shown the the examples. I also think it would be fun to do something with the mobile library stops and mash ups.


Podcasts would be great to use in a library setting, especially for our library because our community is isolated geographically. One idea I would like to pursue is working with out local history groups to do podcasts of interesting local studies/history info.


I've used Del.icio.us before http://delicious.com/Shriggles for work and find it really helpful to tag things I want to look at or read later. I think it's a greally great resource to use for libraries in research assistance and would save alot of time on the reference desk especially if it is as well set up as libraries like Sutherland.

Library Thing

Library thing is fabulous - my library has recently added library thing to our catalouge and it's been really helpful with readers advisory. Despite having and loving it at work I never really thought about opening an account myself but I think I might continue with it at home and I know of some friends I can recomment it to.